
Emmanuel Carrère e TS Eliot

 ... non hanno nulla in comune, ma sono il soggetto di due articoli interessanti, che mettono in luce i lati inquietanti dei due scrittori. Di Emmanuele Carrère parla Ian Parker sul New Yorker. Ecco l'incipit dell'articolo:

Emmanuel Carrère, who writes with the clear-eyed judgment of someone who has trained himself, against instinct, to take an interest in other people, was eating lunch one day last fall in a restaurant in north-central Paris. Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet, a film director and Carrère’s partner, had joined him; they live nearby, in an apartment as spare and as sunny as one in a yogurt commercial. 

di TS Eliot parla Erica Wagner su The New Statesmen:

Withdrawn and prejudiced, the poet is hard to warm to – but Robert Crawford’s new biography shows how Eliot’s second marriage transformed his life.

si allude alla nuova biografia di Eliot, Robert Crawford, Eliot: After The Waste Land (Jonathan Cape).

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