
Elena Ferrante parla di sé

Rispondendo a domande molto interessanti da parte di traduttori ed editor americani e inglesi.

For Lila and Elena, the experience of reading Little Women is extremely important. What (other) literary figures affected you as an adolescent? Stefanie Hetze, bookseller, Germany

[...] But the book I read and reread obsessively was Wuthering Heights. Today I still find extraordinary the way it describes love, mixing good and bad feelings without any break. Catherine is someone who should be revisited from time to time: she’s useful, when you write, for avoiding the danger of sickly-sweet female characters. The Guardian.


Reading Elena Ferrante in English

My Brilliant Friend (TV Series 2018– ) - IMDb

Millions of readers in thrall to Elena Ferrante, the secretive and wildly popular Italian novelist, must accept certain conditions.


And if they are reading Ferrante’s books in English, they are absorbing, whether they realize it or not, the nimble translation work of Ann Goldstein. Joumana Khatib


The New American Status Symbol? A Second Passport

As the pandemic has ravaged the United States, some Americans are finding that a second citizenship or permanent residency has a renewed appeal. Valeriya Safronova, NYT.