
Books Against Bombs

During Covid, Ukraine’s population bought books, thanks to a government vaccine initiative. Now there is no time to read, they can still be useful... Katerina Sergatskova, The Guardian

tristissimo.... ma poetico. Ho sempre amato molto poco il turismo e quindi ho letto con interesse questo articolo intitolato "The Big Idea: Is Tourismo Bad for Us?"

If Covid’s impact ameliorates as hoped, it will be replaced by a new virus – wanderlust. Millennials, according to one survey, would rather travel than have sex – and not only because they’re probably doing the latter wrong. [...] But the value of tourism, like sex, depends on how you do it. Cruise ships generate 21,000 gallons of sewage per day per vessel, much of it ending up in the sea. In 2019, transport-related emissions from tourism were responsible for 5% of human-made global carbon dioxide emissions, according to UNWTO. Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian



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