
Child Star

Il 23 aprile Shirley Temple compirà 85 anni. Bisognerebbe ristampare la sua autobiografia, Child Star, scritta 25 anni fa e ora fuori stampa (su Amazon ce n'è rimasta qualche copia, dai 100 dollari in su). Di essa Matt Weinstock scrive, "Celebrity autobiography has been a denigrated genre since at least 1982 (when Orson Welles and Gore Vidal spent most of the year poring over Rudy Vallee’s memoir “like a pair of Talmudic scholars” ). But “Child Star”—published twenty-five years ago, and lamentably out of print—doesn’t register as an autobiography so much as a little-girl classic that ought to be shelved alongside “Anne of Green Gables,” “Little Women,” and Laura Ingalls Wilder. It’s a bildungsroman scaled to the intellectual limitations of a child, a book that takes six months to read and becomes part of your life". newyorker.

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