
Chi c'è dietro una grande copertina

Intervista a Rodrigo Corral, del Rodrigo Corral Design, l'artista che ha disegnato le copertine di libri di Nabokov, Sartre, Borges, Bolaño, e, recentemente, dell'ultimo spassoso romanzo di Gary Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story.  Q. After you’ve agreed to work on a project, how do you begin the design process? A. Reading is always part of the process when we’re working on a book jacket or cover for fiction. I read, I take notes, I take breaks. I’ll stop on the title, re-read it, and think about how it plays into the book and its overall message and intent. It’s rare to be able to illustrate the tone of the entire story by only depicting one moment from the book, so I prefer using a new image or design that I feel represents the story accurately. newyorker.

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