
The Miraculous Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie’s new novel, Victory City, purports to be the summary of a long-lost, 24,000-verse epic poem from 14th-century India. The hero and author of the poem is Pampa Kampana, who as a girl becomes the conduit for a goddess, channeling her oracular pronouncements and wielding her magical powers.  Judith Shulevitz. The Atlantic 

del nuovo libro di Rushdie Judith Shulevitz dice che è "enchanting" e anche che è un trionfo. Mi sembra una bellissima notizia, dopo tutto quel che Rushdie ha passato. Su un piano più frivolo, eccovi la storia dei tote bags e di come un'umile borsa di tela sia diventata uno status symbol:

In the 1880s, a newspaper owner named Jasper Meek was looking out the window of his print shop in Coshocton, Ohio, when he saw a young girl drop her school books. As the story now goes, the sight inspired him to fashion a burlap bag in which people could carry books. But Meek also had an entrepreneurial mind, and he figured out a way to maximize his profit: he’d charge local businesses to print their names on the bags, which then served as tiny billboards as they were carried across town. Maija Kappler, The Walrus

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