"When I had just finished my schooling and was looking for a job, a friend
put me in touch with an absurdly well-connected British biographer who,
she assured me, would help me find the professional position of my
dreams. I wrote and asked him whether we might meet, explaining that I
would appreciate his advice on securing literary work and enclosing some
of my early efforts. He duly invited me for tea. The advice I had in
mind sounded like this: “You must call so-and-so at this number and say I
suggested it and he will publish you and give you loads of money.”
After giving me a cup of weak tea—no sandwiches, no pastry, not even
sugar or milk—he said, “I have only one piece of advice for you. Have a
vision and cleave to it.” We then discussed the weather for twenty
minutes". Andrew Solomon, newyorker.
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