
Lo studio di Roald Dahl

è un piccolo cottage dall'apparenza molto idillica. E sta crollando per cui gli eredi chiedono soldi perché venga rimesso in sesto. Ma vale la pena?
Nella sua recente biografia di Dahl, Storyteller, Donald Sturrock parla di quando andò a trovare lo scrittore nel suo studio:

He opened the door to the hut and I went inside. An anteroom, stuffed with old picture frames and filing cabinets, led directly to his writing space. The walls were lined with aged polystyrene foam blocks for insulation. Everything was yellow with nicotine and reeked of tobacco. A carpet of dust, pencil shavings and cigarette ash covered the worn linoleum floor. A plastic curtain hung limply over a tiny window. There was almost no natural light.

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