
Jennifer Egan ha vinto il Pulitzer Prize per la fiction con il suo A Visit From the Goon Squad. Il New Yorker di questa settimana ne pubblica un pezzo (qui), mentre Edan Lepucki ne fa il profilo su The Millions. "When I asked Egan about the book's genre, she said,  'It's so decentralized that it doesn't quite fit what I think we think of as novels being right now.  And I don't really care about the term. It doesn't fit into a category comfortably…I didn't really worry about an arc, because again, that feels more like traditional fiction.'  She wanted to put together a book whose principal was diversity, as opposed to unity. 'I wanted to see how many tones and moods and technical choices I could get away with.'  (For instance:  though ultimately unsuccessful, she tried to write a chapter in epic poetry.)  Egan's goal, she said, was to make the book 'a big cornucopia of craziness, and yet, have it all fit together into one story. I asked myself: Since the principal was one of surprise and revelation, and intimacy versus distance, my basic question was, Who is the person we see from a distance that we want to have revealed to us?"

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