
Jennifer Egan Web Site

Il sito della scrittrice Jennifer Egan è particolarmente ben fatto. Oltre alle solite notizie, bio e bibliografiche, contiene una serie di links a date e luoghi che hanno dato l'avvio a storie. Upper West Side, December 2005: Why: It doesn’t usually happen for me this way, but I had an experience and it prompted me to begin a story. As experiences go, this one was brief: on Christmas Eve, my husband, kids and I were having cheeseburgers with my mom and stepfather at the bar of the Regency hotel (a kind of tradition with us). Washing my hands in the bathroom, I noticed a fat green wallet inside a wide-open bag beside the sink. I had a thought along the lines of: She’s lucky it’s me, seeing this wallet, and not a different kind of person. Which led to the question: What kind of person? Who is the woman who would look down while washing her hands, see a wallet, and take it? That question stayed with me. Although I wasn’t intending to work on stories — in fact, I was trying to begin a novel set in the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II — I sat down with that wallet in my head and a pen in my hand, to see what might happen. E così via...

1 commento:

  1. Bellissima la nuova veste grafica! Complimenti! Ho votato questo blog come il miglior blog letterario per il concorso organizzato da altervista.(http://www.blogfest.it).
    Giovanni Castorp
