
Mona Simpson, Jane Ziegelman

Mona Simpson (nella foto), My Hollywood (Knopf). Il rapporto tra una coppia di yuppy di LA e la nanny filippina, "It takes quite a while, however, for Ms. Simpson to hit her stride, and she seems uncertain at first whether she is writing a social satire, a comedy of manners or a character study. In fact, the novel's early scenes comparing and contrasting the lives of spoiled young Hollywood yuppies and the lives of their frugal, hard-working nannies often feel like a stilted school exercise..." Michiko Kakutani, nyt.

Jane Ziegelman, 97 Orchard. An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement  (Smithsonian Books/Harper/HarperCollins). Come gli immigrati hanno cambiato il modo di mangiare in America. nytbr.

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