
Sto leggendo i New Yorker accumulati in queste settimane lontano da Milano. Continua la serie degli scrittori Under 40. Il 28 giugno è uscito un racconto notevole, "The Young Painters", di Nicole Krauss. Notevole soprattutto per la sicurezza ed eleganza della scrittura, per la padronanza con cui vengono evocati personaggi, luoghi ed eventi. "The room was spare, with only a bed and a wooden chair and a little altar with candles set up in one corner. There was a large window facing south, through which lower Manhattan hung suspended in the dark. The walls were blank except for one painting that was tacked up with pins, a vibrant picture out of whose many bright, high-spirited strokes several faces emerged, as if from a bog, now and then topped with a hat. The faces on the top half of the paper were upside down, as if the painter had turned the page around or circled it on his or her knees while painting, in order to reach more easily. It was a strange piece of work, unlike the style of the other things the dancer had collected, and I studied it for a minute or two..." Forse un po' moralistico il contenuto?

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