
Quando Christopher Hitchens ha annunciato di avere un cancro all'esofago e di doversi sottomettere alla chemioteria tra i blogger si è acceso un dibattito sul fatto se fosse lecito o meno pregare per una persona dichiaratamente atea. "Jeffrey Goldberg, a colleague of Hitchens's at The Atlantic Monthly, consulted the rabbinical authorities and decided that prayer was O.K. On his blog, Goldberg quoted the advice of David Wolpe, a Los Angeles rabbi who has publicly debated Hitchens on a number of occasions: "I would say it is appropriate and even mandatory to do what one can for another who is sick; and if you believe that praying helps, to pray. It is in any case an expression of one’s deep hopes. So yes, I will pray for him, but I will not insult him by asking or implying that he should be grateful for my prayers." nytbr.

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