
Ho letto avidamente Tutto da capo di Cathleen Schine (inglese The Three Weissmanns of Westport), ma ne sono rimasta delusa: un po' sbiadito, fané in tutto: personaggi, ambienti (anche se si tratta del mio amatissimo Upper West Side di Manhattan), battute, vicende. E poi tutti troppo buoni (o quasi); manca il cattivo, the villain. A proposito del villain, bookforum, un ricchissimo contenitore di segnalazioni, recensioni, idee, ecc. raccoglie anche syllabi per lo più di scrittori docenti di letteratura o creative writing. Ecco quello di Elif Batuman: Dangerous Friends: Everyone loves reading about a diabolical mastermind who plots the downfall of his unwitting enemies. But there's a variation on the literary villain whom I find particularly compelling: the dangerous friend who lays waste to the lives of his lovers, neighbors, and associates. The prototype of this character is Shakespeare's Iago—a trusted friend who has everyone's worst interests at heart. Shakespeare never fully explains the mystery of the dangerous friend: Why does he act that way? As Joan Didion puts it in the famous opening line of her novel Play It as It Lays, "What makes Iago evil?" This is the question that each of the books below attempts to answer in its own way.
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