Andrew O'Hagan, The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog, and of his friend Marilyn Monroe (Faber). Marrilyn Monroe vista da Maf, il cagnolino regalatole da Frank Sinatra. "Andrew O'Hagan has taken on the voice of a dog to write a subtle, funny and moving study of America on the eve of one of its periods of greatest crisis." John Banville, g/o.
Andrea Levy, The Long Song (FS&G). Romanzo storico sulla straordinaria vita di una donna del Diciannovesimo secolo, schiava in Giamaica . wp.
Sebastian Junger, War (Twelve). Junger, corrispondente di guerra per Vanity Fair, parla degli uomini mandati in prima linea in guerra. wp.
Daniel Maier-Katkin, Stranger from Abroad. Hannah Arendt, Martin Heidegger, Friendship and Forgiveness (Norton). Sulla questione dell'adesione al nazismo di Heidegger. nytbr.
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