
Un pragmatismo aggressivo, vorace, e vanitoso quello di Obama secondo l'interessante editoriale di David Brooks di oggi. "If the evidence leads him in directions he finds uncomfortable, he will still follow the evidence. He is beholden to no ideological camp, and there is no group in his political base that he has not angered at some point in his first year. But his has become a voracious pragmatism. Driven by circumstances and self-confidence, the president has made himself the star performer in the national drama... Even in blue states like Massachusetts, voters want a government that is energetic but limited — a servant, not a leviathan." nyt.

In un prossimo futuro il New York Times online probabilmente sarà accessibile a pagamento (ahimè!). nymag.

Joseph E. Stiglitz, Freefall. America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy (Norton). Impietosa analisi delle misure prese da Obama per contrastare la crisi. nyt.

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