
Molto divertente, la traduzione in formato Twitter dei classici della letteratura. L'Ulisse di Joyce, "Man walks around Dublin. We follow every minute detail of his day. He’s probably overtweeting." Great Expectations, "Orphan given £££ by secret follower. He thinks it’s @misshavisham but it turns out to be @magwitch", The Catcher in the Rye, "Rich kid thinks everyone is fake except for his little sister. Has breakdown." Pride and Prejudice, "Woman meets man called Darcy who seems horrible. He turns out to be nice really. They get together", e Bridget Jones’s Diary, "Woman meets man called Darcy who seems horrible. He turns out to be nice really. They get together." Altri esempi.

Un certo John David California ha scritto un sequel al Giovane Holden. Holden ha 76 anni, scappa da una casa per anziani e si mette a girovagare per NYC, 60 Years Later (Nicotext), Guardian.

E' appena uscita una nuova rivista online per donne: DoubleX.

John Banville sulle lettere di Beckett, tnr.

L'intervista a Alissa Hamilton su quel che c'è (aiuto!) dentro la spremuta d'arancia che si vende nei supermercati, NYER.

Don’t! The secret of self-control, di Jonah Lehrer, NYER.

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