una storia per ragazzini delle elementari che sembra molto carina
Rassegna della stampa culturale americana e inglese. Segnalazioni di novità in libreria, articoli, interviste, dibattiti, idee e pettegolezzi.
Romantasy, AI and Palestinian voices
Future publishing priorities also included sustainability, neurodivergent protagonists and new retellings of Greek mythology. Ella Creamer, The Guardian
me ne starò alla larga...
When Marilynne Robinson Reads Genesis
il nuovo libro di Marilynne Robinson si intitola Reading Genesis ed è uscito da Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
The Delicate Art of Making Fictional Languages
A Country Shaped By Poetry
In Somaliland, poems were often recited to pass the time by men leading camel trains and by women weaving mats to cover their domed huts. Like the lives of the nomadic people who spoke them, the poems were cyclical. When their speakers moved, they brought their animals and their poetry. At each stop along this annual migration, the women would reuse the verses as they built their thatched homes and the men would recite them as they moved their herds to water.
But poems also served a utilitarian, public purpose: they could be
deployed to argue a court case or to make peace between warring
families. And their lines were powerful in ways few other nations could
understand. In Somaliland, an autonomous region perched at the northern
tip of Somalia, poetry had sparked wars, toppled governments, and
offered paths to peace. Nina Strochlic, Noema